Books Acquired Recently: Holiday Gifts Edition

Another holiday season has come and gone, and once again I received a decent number of books as gifts. I also received some cash that I am going to spend at the MLA book fair in Seattle next week. With one exception, the books are either queer or Mennonite, my two main reading areas, andContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently: Holiday Gifts Edition”

Books Acquired Recently: Queer Latinx Edition

Anzaldúa, Gloria. The Gloria Anzaldúa Reader. Ed. AnaLouise Keating. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009. I’ve been reading Anzaldúa’s Interviews/Entrevistas, which is amazing, so I want to explore more of her work. I am often skeptical of authors’ “Readers” because I would rather read work in its original context, but Anzaldúa’s Reader includes a lotContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently: Queer Latinx Edition”

Books Acquired Recently

Corral, Eduardo C. Slow Lightning. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012. I was browsing at the Colgate University bookstore the other day as something to do while my partner was at a doctor’s appointment when I came across this poetry collection. I haven’t read any of Corral’s work before but have heard good things aboutContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently”

Books Acquired Recently: All Mennonite Edition

Dueck, Nathan. A Very Special Episode. Hamilton, ON: Buckrider Books, 2019. Dueck is a Mennonite poet whom I know and his third collection of poetry just came out. I bought it right away and look forward to reading it. Stoltzfus, Donna J. Captive. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, 2018. Stolzfus’s family and mine have been friendsContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently: All Mennonite Edition”