Books Acquired Recently

Butler, Octavia E. “Bloodchild” and Other Stories. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2022. I was browsing in Little City Books recently and they had this new compilation on the front table. I couldn’t resist buying it because I love Butler’s work. Horwitz, Jay. Mr. Met: How a Sports-Mad Kid from Jersey Became Like Family toContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently”

Books Acquired Recently

de la Cretaz, Britni, and Lyndsey D’Arcangelo. Hail Mary: The Rise and Fall of the National Women’s Football League. New York: Bold Type Books, 2021. de la Cretaz is one of my favorite sports writers, so when this book became available for pre-order I ordered it immediately. My copy came this week. Nette, Andrew, andContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently”

Vintage Baseball Videos: 1984 National League Championship Series, Game 5, Chicago Cubs at San Diego Padres

Now that Major League Baseball has finally realized having their footage on YouTube is a good thing and has posted lots of vintage games, I’ve been watching some of them this spring and summer. I’ve been focusing on famous games that I know about that I was not able to watch originally, either because IContinue reading “Vintage Baseball Videos: 1984 National League Championship Series, Game 5, Chicago Cubs at San Diego Padres”

Books Acquired Recently: AWP Edition

All of the books I ordered at the AWP virtual bookfair last month have finally arrived! They are books that are either by authors who I saw speak and enjoyed, or that various speakers recommended, or that I saw discussed or advertised on Twitter via the conference’s hashtag. All but Corral’s are somewhere along theContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently: AWP Edition”

Writing Activity, February 2021

As I wrote last month, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to keep a list of my writing activity for each month. I do so partly as a form of encouragement for myself–to show that I am still able to do some writing despite the energy-sucking terrors of the pandemic–and partly as an archiveContinue reading “Writing Activity, February 2021”

Books Acquired Recently: 2019 Edition

Bonomo, Joe. No Place I Would Rather Be: Roger Angell and a Life in Baseball Writing. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2019. I’ve loved Roger Angell’s baseball writing since I first encountered it in the New Yorker in the mid-2000s. I am thus excited to read this book about his writing. Darling, Ron, with DanielContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently: 2019 Edition”

Books Acquired Recently

Navratilova, Martina, with George Vecsey. Martina. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985. I became obsessed with tennis and Navratilova when I was nine years old, and my local public library had her autobiography, so I read it avidly. Lately I’ve been writing about books that have influenced me, and in hindsight I realized that thisContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently”

Books Acquired Recently

Kuhn, Gabriel. Soccer vs. the State: Tackling Football and Radical Politics. 2nd ed. 2018. Oakland: PM Press, 2019. I received an advert about this book from the publisher and ordered it immediately because I was able to get 50% off so it was only $10.00. A steal! Peters, Torrey. The Masker. N.p.: CreateSpace, 2016. IContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently”

Books Acquired Recently: Holiday Gift Edition

Happily, I received a number of books as gifts this holiday season! Brown, Craig. Ninety-Nine Glimpses of Princess Margaret. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2017. I have become fascinated with Princess Margaret as a result of watching The Crown and look forward to reading this oral history about her. Incidentally, it drives me nutsContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently: Holiday Gift Edition”

Books Acquired Recently: Holiday Edition

I received a number of books as gifts for the holidays, and also did a little bit of book shopping myself with some holiday cash. Algarín, Miguel. Love is Hard Work: Memorias de Loisaida. New York: Scribner Poetry, 1997. As I mention below discussing Márquez’s book, I am trying to broaden my knowledge of Puerto Rican literature. AlgarínContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently: Holiday Edition”