Books Acquired Recently: Mostly PM Press Edition

Dornaus, Margaret, ed. Behind the Mask: Haiku in the Time of COVID-19. Ozark, AR: Singing Moon Press, 2020. I just heard about this timely anthology and ordered it right away. One of haiku’s strengths is that it is written quickly and thus can respond to current events almost immediately. Khakpour, Porochista. Brown Album: Essays onContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently: Mostly PM Press Edition”

Books Acquired Recently

Eisner, Mark, and Tina Escaja, eds. Resistencia: Poems of Protest and Revolution. Portland, OR: Tin House, 2020. I heard about this anthology on Twitter and bought it right away because “poems of protest and revolution” are necessary now more than ever. Wright, David. Local Talent. Chicago: Purple Flag Press, 2019. Wright is a Mennonite poetContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently”

Books Acquired Recently: Mennonite Edition

Neufeldt, Leonard. Yarrow: Poems. Windsor, ON: Black Moss Press, 1993. I bought this book because I’ve been doing some writing about Mennonite poet Di Brandt, and the collection has a poem dedicated to her (“The Tree with a Hole in Our Front Yard”) that I wanted to reference. I read this poem twenty years agoContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently: Mennonite Edition”

Books Acquired Recently

Friesen, Patrick. Outlasting the Weather: Selected and New Poems 1994-2020. Vancouver: Anvil Press, 2020. As I just wrote here, Patrick Friesen is one of the most important Mennonite writers ever. It is therefore very exciting that his second volume of Selected Poems is now out. Lisicky, Paul. Later: My Life at the Edge of theContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently”

Books Acquired Recently: Marje A. Dyck Edition

Dyck, Marje A. A Piece of the Moon. Saskatoon: Calisto Press, 2005. —. Still Blue Water: Collected Tanka. Saskatoon: Calisto Press, 2012. Recently, while reading Terry Ann Carter’s Haiku in Canada, I came across some poems by Marje A. Dyck. My immediate thought was “Dyck is a Mennonite name! I wonder if she’s Mennonite?” IContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently: Marje A. Dyck Edition”

Books Acquired Recently: Free Books Edition

Cates, James A. Serpent in the Garden: Amish Sexuality in a Changing World. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2020. I wrote a blurb for this book, and recently received my blurber’s copy in the mail. Maldonado, Ricardo Alberto. The Life Assignment. Tribeca, NY: Four Way Books, 2020. I have not encountered Maldonado’s work before, butContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently: Free Books Edition”