Books Acquired Recently

Del Rio, Vanessa, and Dian Hanson. Vanessa Del Rio: Fifty Years of Slightly Slutty Behavior. Cologne, Germany: Taschen, 2016. I have come across a number of references to Vanessa Del Rio’s acting over the years. If I recall correctly, I first saw some of her work in an exhibit at the Museum of Sex inContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently”

Books Acquired Recently

Connelly, Karen. The Change Room. Toronto: Random House Canada, 2017. I recently read a review of this book on Casey the Canadian Lesbrarian and it sounded quite interesting, in part because of how it mirrors some of my own personal experiences. I bought this and Katz’s book from’s network of independent sellers. George, Nina.Continue reading “Books Acquired Recently”

Books Acquired Recently

Tzu, Lao. Tao Te Ching. Trans. Charles Muller. New York: Barnes & Nobles Classics, 2005. I have been wanting to learn more about Taoism for several years, and came across this inexpensive ($5.00) edition while browsing at my local Barnes & Noble last week, so I decided to buy it. Laing, Mary, Katy Pilcher, andContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently”

Books Acquired Recently: Queer Theory Edition

As noted in a previous post, I am trying to read as much queer theory as possible this summer. I bought these books (all from’s network of independent booksellers) to further this end. I am especially interested to read La Fountain-Stokes’s book about the queer Puerto Rican diaspora because it is a group thatContinue reading “Books Acquired Recently: Queer Theory Edition”